Music Video:FAMILY GUY (by Funny Videos)

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>Big Bill's B.U.C. (Body Under Construction): The Bass guitarist!!

Friday, April 28, 2006

The Bass guitarist!!

This guy was pretty good with his act. Nothing spectacular. he did play Mandalin when they did Zepplin's Uhmm I can't remember excatly what song they played from Zeps catalog but it sounded great! The lyrics go "Find a queen without a king you know she plays guitar and laughs and sings La la la laaaa" Then they go something about a "punch on the nose and it's starting flow I think I might be sinking". Any how they did a very good rendition of that song and also Dream on from The toxic Twins!!


Blogger Heff said...

Zep song "Going to California".

6:54 AM  

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