Music Video:FAMILY GUY (by Funny Videos)

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>Big Bill's B.U.C. (Body Under Construction): CRACK BOOM BANG!!! CLICK HERE FOR ANOTHER WARNING!!

Thursday, April 06, 2006


Well here it is again. The evils of fake sugar. What about the evils of real sugar? Do you realize that when you indgest real sugar it tells the brain that the body has enough insulin. After years of this and over eating carbs a strange thing happens where the body could stop making insulin. When this happens you have become a diabetic. You might be type 1 or type 2. The type your are would dertermine what you have to do to moderate your insulin. So if you are left with no choice but to use fake sugar you should be looking at why..
Maybe you have a problem with moderating your food and sweet intake...Yeah maybe thats the problem. So what would be worse? Using fake sugar which has a minute possability to cause health issues or continue screwing up your insulin levels and add more calories which aid in obesity with the real stuff?
The real issue here is moderation. OK now that we have a sugar susbstitute on the market people think hey! I can eat or drink as much of this shit as I want and not have to worry about anything!! Yessss! WRONG!! Too much beer and alcohol can cause serosis of the liver but that don't stop a lot of people I know from drinking it.
So in closing yes it's good to know the adverse possible health effects associated with everythin we eat or ingest but we also need to assess our intake habits to see which is worse. Everything in moderation..
It's like thinking there is a one diet shake or one pill out there which will help you loose weight and keep it off. Or the one suppliment that will make you see better or not feel so jittery etc. To really help these things you need a program to assist your endevers. To loose weight and keep it off you must diet AND exercise. When I say diet I don't mean starve yourselves I mean eat properly. By changing your eating habits to consume less fattening foods and by adding a exercise you will find results. No one pill will help you loose weight and keep it off with out other issues associated with them. Look at Ephedra....
There are prescription drugs out on the market with side effects taped right to the side of the bottle.. But people are taking that prescription in order to fix another underliying problem. So they take the chance of this causing diariea or dizzieness or cramping. They take this chance to fix the other issue. The same with fake sugar people will use it to stay away from the real stuff but if they eat enough of it to cause these health effects then the fake sugar is not the issue they should be looking at. Its the over consuption of the fake sugar that is causing the harmful side effects.
So with everything or action taken there is a certain amount of risk involved. Which is risky-er? We need fake sugar on the market What we also need is a moderator to go with it. Someone to slap that Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi out of your hand when you grab one to quench your thirst or just because your bored. Thats what people should be promoting the issue with moderation that is the catalyst to any and all issues!!!
Don't get me wrong sure it may not be good for you but if it is that bad it will be taken off the market. If its such a big deal how come I have not had anyone I know effected by it? Moderate it and you should be fine. Thanks for the info.
And I am spent!!


Blogger BigBill said...

That's what SHE said!!!!!LOL

6:09 AM  
Blogger idobcool said...

Sugar has it's issues too but it's natural...the "fake sugar" is a toxic "man made" chemical that shouldn't be consumed. What I have on my blog is just a small amount of info.

Prescription drugs are just as bad, they have never cured anyone of anything. They hide the symptoms of your problem, alter what your body would do naturally, cause more problems and that is where the side effects start.

10:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


4:04 PM  
Blogger Heff said...

Wow. More than 2 paragraphs out of Big Bill - I'm amazed. What supplement did Toe-knee take to turn himself in to a black man ?

4:04 PM  
Blogger BigBill said...

Thanks for repeating what my post said.
IDOBEASTOOL is a chamileon, he changes colors, interests and attitudes into whatever direction daytime television personalities direct him to.....

1:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FLIP! Uncle Tony's my hero. I hope I'm like him if I grow up.

3:37 PM  
Blogger idobcool said...

Bill, I never actually read your posts. I have read a few in the past but you never seem to make sense, EVER!

6:47 PM  
Blogger BigBill said...

Thats because I am not comunicating to you through a daytime talk show. Also you don't UNDERSTAND my posts!! That's why to you they don't make sense. I think that's because my post don't contain the half truths and propaganda that your used to hearing on Man Cow and the rest of the anti media, anti goverment, anti everything you are subjecting yourself to on a daily basis. I am glad that your part of the Hustlers no propaganda there!! Go team go!!!!

2:00 PM  
Blogger idobcool said...

Why are you making all this shit up about me here?

It's been fun ripping on each other here but where did you get all this bullshit from?

Nice comment you jackass!

8:10 AM  

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