Lets talk Retarded!!!
All you could hear from miles up and down the coast that day was "Push him back into the ocean before he dies!!" Dude you look like a beached whale!! OOHH Im sorry everyone this is my room mate from the Air Force other wise known as Kronk in the blogger world!! Don't laugh at him too much..He gets angry.. Looks like one of my garbage trucks dumped a load right there on the beach!! Ok IDOBEASTOOL your turn. This should be good check out the comments everyone!!
Wow. I'm glad they give us our own rooms now days. I could have gotten stuck with that fatty.
I don't see where you guys are getting your fat comments from, he looks to be in shape, pretty much.(sorry, I think I'm actually being nice)
It's the clothes. Retarded people wouldn't want to be caught retarded in those clothes. What the? Did he lose a bet?
Yes he is fat... But I must say as room mates we had a blast... He could drink almost as much Bacardi 151 rum as I could. He usually ended up on the bathroom floor hugging the toilet... Then i would come in and slap a pickle from a White Castle burger onto his tongue and he would Hurl his guts up!!
He is fat! that is that! You think he is in shape? What shape? A circle is a shape! Maybe he is in the shape of a pair....
Go Fuck yourself tele marketing asswipe!! Stay off my fucking blog!!
I thought you gave up drinking!! Well that would explain the weight gain.. If you need any pointers just give me a call. MOOSE!!
Oh yeah and get a tan.. Your so veinyyyyyy!!!!
kronk, I'm not wearing a sweater it's a long sleeve t-shirt from Old Navy...I'm stylin' in my Old Navy Gear!
WAITAMINNIT...kronk, did you buy those clothes while you were pickled or did you put them on prior to your binge drinking?
His mom bought them before.
Shut up KIP!!!!
Did you say Old Navy or Old Gravy?
HEY! I'm training to become a cage fighter. So eat me.
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