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>Big Bill's B.U.C. (Body Under Construction): The Good Ole Days.. Early 1950's

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The Good Ole Days.. Early 1950's


I was reading an article in the newest Muscle and Fitness and they interviewed Vince McMahon. I have never really been a fan of anykind of Vince but I do have to give him his props... This August he will be 61 years old and I hop I am in as good of shape if not even better shape than he is at his age. It can be done and you can maintain your size strength and virility long into old age. My old boss is living proof. He is 70 and still hits the gym and lives with a vigor like non-other I have seen. He still has a huge chest and struts around like the big cock in the barn yard... Any who back when these guys where young the only hero's they had to look up to in the world of bodybuilding was guys like Reg Parks. I saw this old Mag cover and thought I would post it. Man how did guys maintain an erection back in the day? Look at that bathing suit on her... I know I know but someone had to say it... Peace


Blogger BigBill said...

Hey Kronk at least I will look the male!! You have breats like his sidekick and have to wear a two piece!!! You fat bitch!!!

2:25 AM  

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