Cory Everson, Six-Time Ms. Olympia (pic 1989)
OK I know I have a lot of female readers out there and a big misconception with ladies and weights is the fear of getting to big..... Yeah right if We got huge from just lifting weights alone everyone who wanted to be huge would be lifting. It's just not so. To get as big as some of these monsters of today's bodybuilding circuit you have to ingest tons of anabolic steroids and growth hormones.
Now look at the above posted picture of Cory, no steroids here. Also no freakish size or masculine features. Just plain ole feminine beauty sculpted and toned to a high gloss finish...AHHH I think I just accidentally liberated some fluids...
I was reading a Muscle and Fitness from Feb. 2005 and Cory who was like the first real Ms. Olympia was naturaly built and she held the title for 6 times. The muscle and fitness I was reading had an article in it with some good points for you gal's. I will highlite the ones I think are important.
1 The key to every tone body is performing fellatio on your husband as much as possible............
OK lets try this again.
1.) Stick to the basics, traditional bodyweight, free-weight and machine exercise are great. Don't get fancy.
2.) Always use good form. Don't just go thro the motions. Proper form will give you results and help you avoid injury. If your lifting weights and it's not a little bit difficult either change your way of lifting or add more weight.
3.) Don't max out. Don't go too heavy with the weight. Check your ego at the door is what I always say at the gym. Its not how much you lift but the way you lift it. To get the most out of your workout (ladies) you always seem to want to tone so higher reps are the way to go. Burn more calories.
4.) Don't forget the cardio. You need to burn calories and fat as much you lift.
5.) Dispel the too-big myth. Many women think that if they lift weights, they are going to get huge. That won't happen. The other myth is that more muscle makes you look bigger. Quite the contrary: the leanness will make your body smaller.
6.) Diet is 50% of the way you look. Eat foods that are as close to their natural form as possible, making sure to include plenty of high-fiber foods.
7.) Power up with protein. Eat a bit of lean protein with some fiber every 3-4 hours. Take a multivitamin daily.
8.) Enjoy what you do. Keep it fun and just do it.
9.) Sex is also an exercise even if it's oral........
I only included the good points she hit on this article but she is 41 years old and she looks great. She has been staying in shape since the early 80's when mullet was king and a low carb diet was something you really never heard of unless you had a stay in hospital or had a thyroid problem.
Anyhow any questions just leave a comment bitches...Peace.
Cory was/is beautiful, I agree.
Cardio is when I have to walk from the rack to the bench.
Big women are beautiful. In prison...but I digress, or is it ench press?
Whatever happened to Jeff Everson? He was a wanna be powerlifter for a day or two, but he dropped off the radar.
Sherry:Your pic is all over the web... and the back door of my bedroom where I live in my folks basement.....
Never heard of him.... I will google him next time I get a chance.
Yes Cory is still in great shape also. I think it's great to see people like her and the Hulkster and Sly all still in shape. It gives me something to shoot for...
Personally, I always shoot for the ceiling, Bill.
Oh blarney, if that is Cory, the photo is ancient and she is sprayed down with flaw-covering paint color like they do in bodybuilding shows. (GOLDFINGER!) I saw a performance video of Cory as a blonde and she was a steroidal hunk. Since she is not an hermaphrodite, she had to have been using steroids incrementally as she gained reognition. Ho-hum. Nothing new about this. The female Arnold.
P.S. Those are breast implants, and very obviously so. The leg line in the photo has been altered so that it is flawless and without any break. Now wonder women have become dysmorphic: they have to compete with pumped up sprayed down airbrushed images of women using male hormones to have no body fat. I am not saying she did not train hard, but there was alot of tinkering. Little lipos and lifts of skin, etc., the scars hiddenin creases and painted over with glossy fake tans during competitions.
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