Yes this is our Full blooded Down syndrom complete with papers.
They say that in dog breeding to keep the colors pure, every seventh generation you need to breed a brother with a sister (Yes! very good Johnny much like Georgia)but if this is the case then this dog Lucy is the first born demon spawn from that brother and sister relationship where it was more of an affair then just a casual Root around!! (Australian term Root around meaning to Fuck!!).
Hitler has been said to have tried this with humans in his attempt to create the perfect race.... Instead he came up with Anna Nicole Smith!! Blonde Hair blue eyes!! Retarded!! Yeah fits the criteria..
Anyhow Happy Birthday Lucy you silly Bitch!!!
Love Big Daddy Bill
She's beautiful. How special are you for celebrating the birthday...
What a pretty girl! :) She is adorable!
Down Syndrome Lucy is a pretty baby!
Damn Hitler for Anna Nicole Smith. But Damn Anna Nicole Smith for introducing Bobby Trendy into our lives.
*I loved that show :bows head in shame:*
I thank Hitler for Anna Nicole Smith! I think she's so stupid it's hilarious! When she was in Australia she was asked if she liked Aus music. Her reply: 'To be honest I'm not Australian, but I am here to learn' HAHAHAHA!!! She also went to Bondi sporting a wetsuit and swimming cap all ready for a surf. Unfortunately, she wasn't able to stand on land much less a surfboard in the water! HAHAHA!
Aww shes reminds me of my Scooter... very pretty but just sorta vacent in the eyes... gives off that "duuhh" vibe lol I bet shes sweet!
Happy Birthday Lucy, if i could give ya a jerky snack I would!
Do you really want me to illastrate the evalutionary/intelagence chart of the Bitches currently residing at the Casa de Bill?
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