Music Video:FAMILY GUY (by Funny Videos)

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>Big Bill's B.U.C. (Body Under Construction): May 8th Slum...ber party

Saturday, April 28, 2007

May 8th Slum...ber party


Well I have decided to take a few days off of work and do a little "slum'en" and head down south... May 8th Tuesday I will be heading to this lovely city for a few days. Can anyone guess what city it is? Also can you guess what state it is in? I will stay there until Thursday when I will return home to rejoin my duties and responsabilities of the "lord and savior" of the South Side.... (Self dubbed title)
So this week will be the pre- week.. Saturday May 5th Of course Black Sabbath!!! 6th Row!!! with Brain (Duke). Then Softball tourney on Sunday. Work Monday, Get away trip Tuesday then Back Thursday Fridaythe 11th work then drive E. and her friends to dance in limo bus. Sunday is Muthas day then at 6:00 pm Muthas day I head up to the lake to sleep over and first thing in the am Monday have the Marina drop the Rica Marie in the puddle and hand auger the poles into the lake bed for summer fun.... Then back to home base Monday before rush hour traffic.... Whew! I am gettin tired just written about it...
Peace Bitches...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the muthafuckin' ATL!

9:35 AM  
Blogger Heff said...

Whew ! I got tired just reedden about it, lol.

1:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well since the pic says "atlanta" when I mouse it... i'm gonna guess... ATLANTA, GA!

Have fun? Looks really purty!

How come ya never come to CA?

3:48 PM  

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