Music Video:FAMILY GUY (by Funny Videos)

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>Big Bill's B.U.C. (Body Under Construction): I was left feeling sooo numb!!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I was left feeling sooo numb!!!


This is not me but it is a very realistic before and after shot of what I was transformed to (with a gun pointed at my head).
You see my lovely bride of many many years used to complain about my back hair. Well after the last couple years of using sheep shears this winters coat was suprisingly ample....The hair came back soo plush and long like nice new shag carpet. So She forced me into letting her wax it off... If any of you have seen "the 40 year old virgin" and I am not refering to hatch.. You know what I went thru. I mean I have a really high tollerance for pain.... I mean I have remained friends with the TOL commander for years that has been extremly painful.. But back the matter at hand. It hurt sooo freakin bad that at times it actually felt like I had a loose piece of skin from a fresh knife wound on my back and if someone would have grabbed that skin and jerked it real fast and RIPPED it off my back much like skinnin a switch for yo grandma to whip yo ass wiff!!! Holy shit I had so much hair to remove that it took over an hour and she went thru an entire bucket of this bodyhair wax... I have since calmed down but for hours I had the crying shakes... Yaa knowww h.h.howw y.y.yaa gettt s.s.s.oo wwwwworrkkeed up yaaa stttuuddder whhillle crryyinnngg.. Ya well thats what I ended doing most of Saturday after noon.. But I am hairless.... almost every where!!


Blogger Heff said...

Geez, you dumb ass - USE NAIR !!! Painless - unless of course you make the mistake I did and apply it to your nutz. You'll only make that mistake once, though - I promise.

5:14 PM  

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