Music Video:FAMILY GUY (by Funny Videos)

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>Big Bill's B.U.C. (Body Under Construction): GOTT-DAMNIT!!!!!

Friday, August 12, 2005


Originally uploaded by BillBigBill.
Yep what yer lookin at here is the engine of my Pontoon the Rica Marie. The cyclinder with the safety sticker on it is the starter. If you look to the top right hand portion of that said cyclinder you will notice wires. These wires are the problem. It seems that the somehow they became exposed and began to arc which caused a plethera of problems with the starting and actual running of the engine. My theory is this, The started was hot when I took the cover off and if it runs hot for to long, it probably slowly melted away the plastic protective cover over the wires.
As they got more and more exposed they began to arc more. They finally caused a electrical issues and a burn mark on the engine!! Well I specifically took off last Monday to let Erin and her friend have a last summer Monday on the lake before the onslaught of the school year. At 10:00 am I started having trouble and it just blew up from there. Julie and I arranged to have to boat towed from the slip and trailered to the Marina $75.00. I found out that this is a wire harness and they didn't give me a price but its probably up there! Plus it's $75.00 an hour to work on the boat. I believe it will be another $75.00 to put her back in the lake also. I estimate $500.00 to $700.00 by the time it's all said and done. The good news is I will be storing the Rica Marie at this Marina for the Winter so I will have that all set up and that is one big project out of the way!!
Keep your fingers crossed and pray that Rica is ready for the waters next weekend!! Otherwise I will be forced to make a raft out of the dead carcasses of the people who piss me off and I will float around on that!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAY! Carcuss rafts are so fun! All jokes aside. I hope the Rica Marie is okay.

12:38 AM  
Blogger BigBill said...

Don't fret Young Andrew I believe Rica is in good hands. I don't want to put the cart before the horse but the people at the marina seemed very detailed and appeared to be good at what they do. I have a feeling that they really know what they are doing so keep your fingers crossed!!

10:38 PM  

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